Via selective submission of abstracts, Paul has presented his research at conferences in Australia, France, Malaysia, Portugal, Singapore, The Netherlands and The Philippines. He has been invited to deliver presentations in Australia, Cyprus, New Zealand and Indonesia. In 2008, Paul was awarded an ARC Asia Pacific Futures Research Network Conference Grant (2008) to co-organise and co-host the Music and Movements in Indonesian Culture Conference, Workshops and Performance at the Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in Sydney, Australia.

Invited Presentations

Conference Presentations

Mason, P.H., Gigliotti, M. (2024) Playful Ethnographies: Interrogating play as a mode, topic, and application of ethnographic research, Australian Anthropology Society Annual Conference, University of Western Australia, 27-29 November 2024.

Mason, P.H. (2023) Rituals of Normality: Putting the gods back into human-centered, microethnography, Australian Anthropology Society Annual Conference, Theme: Vulnerabilities, Macquarie University, 29 November - 1 December 2023. Abstract here

Mason, P.H. (2022) Men's health-seeking behaviour for nonphysical domestic abuse in Australia, Australian Anthropology Society Annual Conference, Theme: Life Support, Deakin University, 23-25 November 2022. Abstract here

Mason, P.H. (2019) Thinking beyond "the human" in conservation education, biodiversity facilitation, and wildlife rehabilitation, Values in Anthropology, Values of Anthropology, Australian National University, 2-5 December.

Lisboa, M., Fronteira, I., Mason, P.H., Martins, M.D.R.O. (2018) Hospital-based Interventions for Tuberculosis Infection Control in Beira Central Hospital, Mozambique: An Exploratory Qualitative Study, 3rd World Conference on Qualitative Research 2018, Lisbon (Portugal), 17-19 October.

Mason, P.H. (2017) Chronicity and spatiality: the shifting cultural topography of chronicity in acute illness, Shifting States, Australian Anthropology Society Annual Conference, University of Adelaide, 15 December.

Mason, P.H., Dominguez D., J.F. (2017) Integrating Biological and Social Sciences in the Study of Bodily ageing, Monash Dementia and Neurodegeneration Research Network, Monash Biomedical Imaging, Clayton, Australia, 28 November.

Lipworth, W., Mason, P.H., Dive, L., Light, E., Kerridge, I. (2017) Biobank Networks, Medical Research and the Challenge of Globalisation. Governance of Biobanking in Biomedical Research. Asian Bioethics Review Research Conference, Singapore, 24-26 May.

Mason, P.H., Kerridge, I., Lipworth, W. (2017) Globalising the ‘Medical Gaze’: Research biobanks, epistemological imperialism and the pull of big data, New Zealand Bioethics Conference, Dunedin, University of Otago, 27–28 January.

Mason, P.H., Kerridge, I., Lipworth, W. (2016) Globalising bionetworks: research biobanks and the pull of big data, Australian Anthropology Society Annual Conference, University of Sydney, 12-15 December.

Mason, P.H., Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I. (2016) Deterritorialising Big Data: The grobalisation of biobanks and the glocalisation of their operations, The Australian Sociology Association 2016 Conference: ‘Cities and Successful Societies', Australian Catholic University, 28 November – 1 December.

Mason, P.H., Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I. (2016) Going Global: The Ethics of Biobanks in the Context of Globalisation, Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health Law (AABHL) conference, 24-26 November.

Lipworth, W., Mason, P.H., Kerridge, I. (2016) Biobank Networks, Medical Research and the Challenge of Globalisation, 13th World Congress of the International Association of Bioethics, Edinburgh, 15 June 2016.

Mason, P.H. (2016) A Critical Interpretive Science of Research Translation and Translational Science, International Conference of Young Scientists, Bridging Worlds Through Science, Global Young Academy, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 25-29 May.

Mason, P.H., Lipworth, W., Fleming, J., Stewart, C., and Kerridge, I. (2016) The Ethics of Biobanks in the Context of Globalisation, Conference for the Sydney University Network for Bodies, Organs, and Tissues, University of Sydney, Thursday, 10 March.

Mason, P.H. (2016) Autotelism, degeneracy and choreutic cognition: Features of humanly organised expression that shape cultural transmission, Moving minds: Converting cognition and emotion in history, Australian Hearing Hub, Macquarie University, 2-4 March 2016.

Mason, P.H. (2015) From Consumptive to consumer - an offer that cannot be refused, Moral Horizons: Managing medical uncertainty, Panel at the Australian Anthropology Society Conference, 1-4 December 2015.

Mason, P.H. (2015) Excluded from Reciprocity: "Free" medical treatment for tuberculosis patients in Vietnam, TB Control Symposium, Tuberculosis Centre for Research Excellence, 3-4 September 2015.

Barron, A.B., Balakrishnan, C.N., Hauber, M.E., Hoke, K.L., Mason, P.H., Hebets, E.A. (2015) Degeneracy in Complex Animal Signalling, 34th International Ethological Conference 2015, Cairns, Queensland, 9th - 14th August 2015.

Hebets, E.A., Balakrishnan, C.N., Hauber, M.E., Hoke, K.L, Mason, P.H., Barron, A.B. (2015) Communication goes multidisciplinary: a systems approach to animal signaling, 52nd Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, University of Alaska, Anchorage, 10-14 June 2015.

Mason, P.H. (2014) The Idiom of Normality: Questioning the idiom and reevaluating degeneracy, Disorder--The University of Sydney Anthropology Symposium, 4-5 November.

Mason, P.H. (2014) The Idiom of Normality: Examining what is normal and reevaluating what is degenerate, Inter-university Neuroscience and Mental Health Conference, The University of Sydney, Tuesday 30 September.

Mason, P.H. (2014) 19th and 21st Century Consumption: The Growth of Structural Violence Against Diversity, Paper presented at "State, Society, Stigma: Rethinking Disease in a Global Age", Latrobe University, Melbourne, Australia, Friday 27 June 2014, abstract p.18.

Mason, P.H. (2014) Pilgrimages of Health: Mapping the Moral Terrain of Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis Control Symposium, Thursday 1 May 2014.

Mason, P.H. (2013) Constellations of Pulmonary Citizenship: Tuberculosis, latent infection, active disease, co-infection, and at-risk populations, Biopolitics of Science and Medicine Symposium, Monash University, Friday 29th November 2013.

Mason, P.H. (2013) What is Normal? What is degenerate?, 7th Australian Cognitive Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Research Forum, Australian Hearing Hub, Macquarie University, 25-26 November 2013.

Mason, P.H. (2012) “Humanly Organised Expressive Systems: Globalised repertoires of sound and gesture”, Language Culture Mind, Universidad Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal, 27-29 June 2012, pages 162-163

Mason, P.H. (2012) “Sound Movement: Self-accompanied & Musician-accompanied West Sumatran Plate-dancing”, 2nd Symposium of the International Council of Traditional Music (ICTM) Study Group on Performing Arts of Southeast Asia (PASEA), Manila, Philippines, 14-19 June 2012.

Mason, P.H. (2011) The Degeneracy of the Creative Process: the diverse musical structures and movement repertoires of West Sumatran and Afro-Bahian fight-dancing, Panel on Disentangling the Creative Procees at The annual conference of the Australian Anthropological Society (AAS), the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), and the Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa / New Zealand (ASAANZ), 5-8 July.

Mason, P.H. (2010) Modes of Transmission: Traditional West Sumatran and Contemporary West Javanese Practices of Indigenous Martial Arts, 1st Symposium of the International Council of Traditional Music Study Group on Performing Arts of Southeast Asia, 10-13 June, pages 13-14.

Mason, P.H. (2009) Fight-dancing and the Festival: An exploration of the internal dynamics of fight-dancing in regional festivals, Paper presented at The Ethics and Politics of Engagement: the Annual meeting of the Australian Anthropological Society, 9-11 December.

Mason, P.H. (2008) The Neuroanthropologist and the Self-Accompanied Dancer, Speed-paper presented at the Music and Movements in Indonesian Cultures Conference, Workshop and Performance at the Consulate of Indonesia in Maroubra, 7-9 October.

Mason, P.H. Pencak Silat: The International Mobilisation of Indo-Malayan Tradition. Second International Conference on Southeast Asia: Rethinking Regionalism, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3rd - 4th December 2007. p36.

Mason, P.H. (2006) The Neuroanthropology of Non-verbal communication. Paper presented at the Second Language Culture and Mind Conference, Paris, France. Language Culture and Mind: Integrating perspectives and methodologies in the study of language, published abstract, 85-86.

Poster Presentations

Mason, P.H., Singh, P., Nhung, D.T., Ho, J., Nguyen, T.A., Fox, G., Marks, G.B. (2015) Coping Self-efficacy for Tuberculosis Treatment in Ca Mau, Vietnam, Poster Presentation at 5th Conference of The Union Asia Pacific Region, Sydney, Australia, 31 August - 2 September.

Cheung, J.M.Y., Bartlett, D.J., Laba, T., Armour C.L., Mason, P. H., Saini, B. (2015) Mapping out the Illness Trajectories of Patients with Insomnia: Comparisons between a Clinic and Community Patient Population, Poster Presentation at SLEEP, Seattle, 6-10 June.

Singh, P., & Mason, P.H. (2014) Health Promotion by Social Cognitive Means: Self-efficacy among TB patients in Vietnam, Inter-university Neuroscience & Mental Health Conference, University of Sydney, Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th September.

Mason, P.H. (2009) Movements into Neuroanthropology: The use of music and movement to study the relationship between brain and culture, Poster Presentation at The Ethics and Politics of Engagement: the Annual meeting of the Australian Anthropological Society, 9-11 December.

Mason, P.H. (2006) Music, movement and metaphor: An investigation of degeneracy in human behaviour, Human Communication Sciences (HCSNet) SummerFest '06, Sancta Sophia College, University of Sydney, 62.

Seminar Presentations

Mason, P.H. (2016) Conspicuous Consumption: Demanding compliance but denying reciprocity for people living with TB. Department of Anthropology, Macquarie University, 9 June 2016.

Mason, P.H. (2016) An Offer that cannot be refused: Tuberculosis and the medicalisation of poverty. Department of Anthropology, University of Sydney, 3-5pm, 28 April 2016.

Mason, P.H. (2016) The global is not a given. Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, University of Sydney, 12-1pm, 28 April 2016.

Mason, P.H. (2016) Beyond the numbers: integrating biomedical knowledge and illness narratives. Respiratory Department, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, 1-2pm, 24 February 2016.

Mason, P.H. (2015) Tuberculosis in Vietnam: an ethnography of coughs, cures and conspicuous consumption. Department of Social Anthropology, School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University, Thursday 19 February 2015.

Mason, P.H. (2014) Presentation about Tuberculosis Screening delivered to the World Health Organisation on World TB Day, Venue: Centre for Social Disease Prevention, Ca Mau, Vietnam, Tuesday 25 March.

Mason, P.H. (2014) Human Research Ethics, Centre for Social Disease Prevention, Ca Mau, Vietnam, Wednesday 26 February.

Mason, P.H. (2013) Tuberculosis: Seven concepts from the social model. Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Think Tank, 31 Oct - 1 Nov.

Mason, P.H.(2010) Indonesian and Brazilian Fight-dancing, Anthropology Colloquium, Macquarie University.

Mason, P.H. (2010) Fight-dancing and the Festival: An exploration of the internal dynamics of fight-dancing in regional festivals, Macquarie Anthropology Research Showcase, 11-13 May.

Mason, P.H. (2006) Fighting for Peace of Mind: A cross-cultural comparison of Capoeira and Pencak Silat. Cross-cultural Dance Seminar: Choreographies of Identity and Difference, Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, Australian National University, 11 December, pp. 88-97.

Mason, P.H. (2006) The Primal Metaphor: Music, Movement and the Problem of Meaning Construction. MMM Seminar MARCS Auditory Laboratories, Conference Room 1, Building 23, University of Western Sydney, Bankstown Campus, 20 November.

Public Talks