Book Reviews

ecocert Mason, P.H. (2023) Invited Book Review of Ritual: How Seemingly Senseless Acts Make Life Worth Living by Dimitris Xygalatas, 2022, London: Profile Books, 312 pp., ISBN 978-1-78816-102-2 , Anthropology Book Forum.


Mason, P.H. (2020) Invited Book Review of The Eco-Certified Child: Citizenship and Education for Sustainability and Environment by Malin Ideland, Palgrave, 2019, Australian Journal of Environmental Education.

Environmental Education

Mason, P.H. (2020) Invited Book Review of Environmental Education and Tourism by Fernando Ramirez and Josefina Santa, Switzerland, Springer 2019, Australian Journal of Environmental Education.

Indigenous Experience

Mason, P.H. (2019) Invited Book Review of The Indigenous Experience: Global Perspectives. Edited by Roger CA Maaka and Chris Andersen, Canadian Scholars' Press, 2006, Cahiers de géographie du Québec: Revue internationale de géographie humaine, 62(175), 211-213.

Geopolitics in Health

Mason, P.H. (2018) Invited Book Review of Geopolitics in Health: Confronting Obesity, Aids, And Tuberculosis in the Emerging BRICS Economies, By Eduardo Gomez, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018, Medical History, 62(4), 509-510.

One Bluc Child

Mason, P.H. (2018) Invited Book Review of [One Blue Child: Asthma, Responsibility, and the Politics of Global Health. By Susanna Trnka, Stanford University Press, 2017], Somatosphere.

Sound Rising from the Paper

Mason, P.H. (2018) Invited Book review of [Paize Keulemans, Sound Rising from the Paper: Nineteenth-Century Martial Arts Fiction and the Chinese Acoustic Imagination, Harvard University Press, 2014]. Asian Journal of Social Science, 46, 217-219. doi: 10.1163/15685314-04601014

Illness Composed

Mason, P.H. (2017) Invited Book Review of [ Ill Composed: Sickness, Gender, and Belief in Early Modern England. By Olivia Weisser, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2015], Health and History, 19(2), 179-180. doi: 10.5401/healthhist.19.2.0179

Biomedical Big Data

Mason, P.H. (2017) Invited Book Review of [The Ethics of Biomedical Big Data. Edited by Brent Mittelstadt, & Luciano Floridi, Springer, 2016], Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 14(4), 571–574. doi: 10.1007/s11673-017-9812-y.

Psychiatric Hegemony

Mason, P.H. (2017) Invited Book Review of [Psychiatric Hegemony: A Marxist Theory of Mental Illness. By Bruce M. Z. Cohen, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016], Social History of Medicine, 31(1), pp. 195–197. doi: 10.1093/shm/hkx075.

Historical Ecology of Malaria in Ethiopia

Mason, P.H. (2017) Invited Book Review of [The Historical Ecology of Malaria in Ethiopia: Deposing the Spirits. By James C. McCann, Ohio University Press, 2014], Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 45(2), 291-292. doi: 10.1007/s10745-017-9893-6.

Discovering Tuberculosis

Mason, P.H. (2016) Invited Book Review of [Discovering Tuberculosis: A global history 1900 to the present. By Christian McMillen, Yale University Press, 2015], Health and History, 18(2), 125-127.

Tuberculosis in India

Mason, P.H. (2016) Book Review of [Tuberculosis in India: A case of innovation and control. By Nora Engel, Orient Blackswan, 2015], Anthropology and Medicine, 23(3), 360-361.
PMID: 27685497

Intolerant Bodies

Mason, P.H. (2016) Invited Book review of [Ian R. Mackay and Warwick Anderson, Intolerant Bodies: a short history of autoimmunity, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014]. Health and History, 18(1), pp. 159-161.

Development and Public Health in the Himalaya

Mason, P.H. (2016) Invited Book Review of [Development and Public Health in the Himalaya: Reflections on healing in contemporary Nepal. By Ian Harper, Routledge, 2014], Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 13(1), 163.165. DOI: 10.1007/s11673-015-9684-y. PMID: 26732396

Multispecies Salon Living Beings
Mason, P.H. (2016) Comparative Book Review of [The Multispecies Salon. Edited by Eben Kirksey. Duke University Press, 2014] and [Living Beings: Perspectives on Interspecies Engagements. Edited by Penelope Dransart, Bloomsbury, 2013]. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 27, 398–404. doi:10.1111/taja.12189, 1-7.

Senses and Citizenships

Mason, P.H. (2015) Invited book review of [Senses and Citizenships: Embodying political life, edited by Susanna Trnka, Christine Dureau, Julie Park. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2012]. Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 12(2), 171-174.

Disease and Crime

Mason, P.H. (2015) Invited Book Review of [Disease and Crime: A History of Social Pathologies and the New Politics of Health, edited by Robert Peckham, Routledge Studies in Cultural History, 2013]. Social History, 40(4), 566-568. doi: 10.1080/03071022.2015.1080026.

End of Plagues

Mason, P.H. (2015) Invited Book review of [The End of Plagues: The Global Battle Against Infectious Disease, by John Rhodes, New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013]. Medical History, 59(4), 631-633. PMID: 26352311

The Alzheimer Conundrum

Mason, P.H. (2015) Book Review of [Margaret Lock, The Alzheimer Conundrum: Entanglements of Dementia and Aging, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013]. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 26(2), 316-317.

The Remedy Experiment Eleven Mason, P.H. (2015) Comparative Book Review of [The Remedy: Robert Koch, Arthur Conan Doyle, and the Quest to Cure Tuberculosis, by Thomas Goetz; and Experiment Eleven: Deceit and Betrayal in the Discovery of the Cure for Tuberculosis by Peter Pringle], Health and History, 17(1), 106-108. DOI: 10.5401/healthhist.17.1.0106

Isabel Gillard

Mason, P.H. (2014) Invited Book review of [Isabel Gillard, Circe’s Island: A young woman’s memories of tuberculosis treatment in the 1950s, Glasgow, Unbound Press, 2010]. Health and History, 16(2), 167-168.

Free Market Tuberculosis

Mason, P.H. (2014) Invited Book review of [Free Market Tuberculosis: Managing epidemics in post-Soviet Georgia, by Erin Koch, Nashville, TN, Vanderbilt University Press, 2013]. Women’s Studies, 43(6), 852-855.

Spitting Blood

Mason P.H. (2014) Book Review of [Spitting Blood: The History of Tuberculosis by Helen Bynum, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2012]. Journal of Anthropology and Medicine, 21(3), 357-358, DOI: 10.1080/13648470.2014.929090.
PMID: 24963868

The Ailing City

Mason, P.H. (2014) Invited Book review of [The Ailing City: Health, Tuberculosis, and Culture in Buenos Aires, 1870-1950. By Diego Armus, Durham, Duke University Press, 2011]. Health and History, 16(1), 126-127.


Mason, P.H. (2014) Review of Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans, Volume 1: Cultural Perspectives edited by Takeru Akazawa, Nishiaki Yoshihiro, and Aoki Kenichi, and Volume 2: Cognitive and Physical Perspectives edited by Takeru Akazawa, Naomichi Ogihara, Hiroki C. Tanabe and Hideaki Terashima, Springer, COSMOS, 55, 104.

Sleep Paralysis

Mason, P.H. (2012) Book review of Sleep Paralysis: night-mares, nocebos, and the mind-body connection, by Shelley R. Adler, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 2011. Anthropology and Medicine, 19(2), 255-257.

Embodied Communities

Mason, P.H. (2012) Invited Book review of Embodied Communities: Dance Traditions and Change in Java, by Felicia Hughes-Freeland, Berghahn Books, New York and Oxford, 2008. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 13(4), 405-407.
Impact Factor: 0.63

Erotic Triangles

Mason, P.H. (2011) Invited Book review of Erotic triangles; Sundanese dance and masculinity in West Java, by Henry Spiller, London/ Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania, 167(2-3), 357-360.
Impact Factor: 0.24

The Power of Place

Mason, P.H. (2009) Book review of The power of place: geography, destiny, and globalization’s rough landscape, by Harm de Blij, Oxford University Press, 2008, Anthropology & Medicine, 16(3), 333–334.

"I am deeply appreciative of Paul Mason's carefully considered review and especially so because his global experiences inform an unusually insightful commentary."
Harm de Blij, 1935-2014

Invited Journal Article Referee